Cosmetic dentistry is designed to enhance your look and self-esteem through custom-designed procedures. Our procedures are minimally invasive, and options include:
-Teeth whitening
-Dental bonding and contouring
-Porcelain/Emax veneers
Veneers are porcelain “caps” that cover the natural tooth. While similar to a crown, veneers are typically used for cosmetic purposed and placed on the teeth you see in the mirror when you smile
Many foods and drinks can stain the enamel on teeth. Teeth whitening programs use a consumer safe gel to remove the stains. Teeth whitening can be done with personalized trays at home or in the office. At home whitening typically takes up to two weeks to show results. In office whitening uses a stronger gel and will have same day results. At the moment, we only offer home bleaching.
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